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Chalk up another wireless win for Google . According to GeekWire, the search star acquired Alpental Technologies weeks ago for an undisclosed sum. Early backers had poured $850,000 into the company.
Why should Google stock investors care about this deal? Alpental was experimenting with 5G wireless technology that has been known to connect buildings a mile apart at speeds of up to 7GB per second. For perspective, consider that my home XFINITY service doesn't even reach 35MB per second.
A portfolio of big wireless ideas
Reading that you might think investors would be bidding Google stock to new highs. That they aren't is a sober reminder that 5G wireless remains in the early stages of development. A national rollout could take years. I'm perfectly willing to wait.
As an investor, what matters to me is what the Alpental deal represents. Namely, that Google is committing resources to improving wireless infrastructure in the U.S. and abroad even as it slowly expands its fiber network beyond Kansas City, Missouri.
You know the list. A year ago, Google unveiled "Project Loon" for placing broadband-serving balloons to remote corners of the globe. In April, the search star acquired drone maker Titan Aerospace to expand Internet delivery to hard-to-reach regions of the globe. Then, earlier this month, Google took the next step and revealed plans to put as many as 180 satellites into low-Earth orbit. To these efforts you can now add Alpental's 5G technology. Google is wiring the world with wireless.
Meanwhile, back in Kansas City ...
Google's planned merger of fiber and Wi-Fi is where this plan starts to get really interesting. In Kansas City, the search star is working on a free public Wi-Fi network that's anchored to its fiber network.
Now imagine that same setup on a grand scale. Drones, balloons, satellites, and 5G wireless extending fiber "hubs" in major cities so that everyone who wants fast access to the Internet, gets it, producing oodles more data for Google to monetize in the process.
Sound crazy? I think that day is coming, Fool. Maybe not tomorrow, or next year, or even a few years from now. Heck, it could take a decade or more to realize pervasive wireless connectivity. But that's the future as I see it, and it's why I'm hoping to never sell my shares of Google stock.
Now it's your turn to weigh in. What do you think of the Alpental deal? Would you buy, sell, or short Google stock at current prices? Leave your take in the comments box below.
A tiny device that threatens Google's Android empire
In its efforts to connect the world, Google may be unwitting helping Apple to unleash a monster. Observers who've seen this newest iDevice say its everyday impact could trump the iPod, iPhone, and the iPad. In fact, ABI Research predicts 485 million of this type of device will be sold per year. But one small company makes Apple's gadget possible. And its stock price has nearly unlimited room to run for early in-the-know investors. To be one of them, and see Apple's newest smart gizmo, just click here!
The article Google Stock: Why Wireless Is the Key to Outperformance originally appeared on
Tim Beyers is a member of the Motley Fool Rule Breakers stock-picking team and the Motley Fool Supernova Odyssey I mission. He owned shares of Google (A and C class) at the time of publication. Check out Tim's web home and portfolio holdings or connect with him on Google+, Tumblr, or Twitter, where he goes by @milehighfool. You can also get his insights delivered directly to your RSS reader.The Motley Fool recommends Google (A and C shares). The Motley Fool owns shares of Google (A and C class). Try any of our Foolish newsletter services free for 30 days. We Fools may not all hold the same opinions, but we all believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.Copyright © 1995 - 2014 The Motley Fool, LLC. All rights reserved. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.
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