Filed under: Family Money, Personal Finance, Saving, Financial Education
Over the last decade, 30 has officially pronounced itself the new 20. The millennial generation is taking longer to finish schooling, decide on a career and leave mom and dad's place. The average age of marriage is at an all-time high -- 27 for women and 29 for men.And while some of those delays may be beneficial -- the higher age of marriage translates into a lower divorce rate -- other delays could have detrimental, long-term financial consequences. Luckily, we have you covered with this list of seven financial musts-dos to make sure you're prepared for the future.
You're only in your 20s once, so squeeze every last drop out of them. But don't let this decade pass you by without getting your financial ducks in a row. And if you've already passed the big 3-0, you know what they say: There's no time like the present.